Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 3 of Haircut: Headbands Are a Girl's Best Friend

I need more headbands.  Three, four hundred more headbands.  They add sparkle, color and texture to hair that can feel one dimensional and boring.  So at the risk of looking like a MySpace outtake, I took a high angled picture of my current headband and so you could see some of the other fun perks of having short hair.

Look how thin my face is! What a dream come true. Anyway. So this is a cute plastic tortoiseshell headband I picked up at Stop & Shop while grocery shopping.  I'm also rocking my hair product free, and so, super flat.

You'll notice that there's a bobby pin holding my bangs down.  That's because I have a super fun cowlick that works great when I want to pouf it up, but is less than stellar when I want it down.  Hairstylists have always told me that if I pin it down every day, it'll eventually "train" into the spot I want it.  Since I've been old enough to buy my own bobby pins, I have found this to be a lie. I can only pin, flat iron, and product it into submission for one day.

Another fun part of having short hair is showing off your outrageous earring collection.  Now is the best time to wear those long, swingy chandelier style earrings because they won't get caught in your fabulous bouncy hair. 

As a final note, I still am sometimes surprised when I see myself in reflections without makeup or... you know.... effort put into my appearance.  Who is that fat little boy?? But, maybe this is a semi-good thing, as I will remember to do my hair/makeup after my morning workout.

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