Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 20: Travel Times

I've been moving across the country for the last week. Without internet for about 40% of it.  How did we live before the internet? 

I brought my awesome wig along with me, but honestly with traveling for 8+ hours a day, I barely had the energy to put on makeup, much less take care of a wig, so it just sat in the cab of my truck.  How do you keep up with your beauty routine when you're traveling?

Some days weren't so bad.  Here's a  picture of us at the Bean in Chicago.  Some Covergirl Outlast lipstick in Ever Red-dy and a coat of black eyeliner made me look pretty presentable for some touristy city activities.  I just combed my hair with a deep side part to give it some style beyond my "anime character who has been shocked by Picachu" look I usually have when I wake up in the morning.

I'm looking far less presentable here.  We'd driven for 10 hours, then sat in traffic at Bozeman, Montana for 45 minutes due to blasting and paving. I think I may have managed to put on some eyeliner?   I will say this picture emphasizes how key accessorizing can be to feeling feminine while your hair is short.  The combination of the scarf (a Christmas gift from my best friend) and larger earrings keep me from looking a little too butch-y.  Also, why does it look like my hair is turning gray? Oh, right. Because in spite of the fact that I used a protein filler when I colored over the bleached-blonde, it is still bleeding dye.

So my husband will likely leave for a three month deployment within the week.  The question is: do I have it cut again to get rid of the awful (supremely unhealthy) bleached parts? After all, he'll be gone, so its not like he'll be upset over my Bootcamp Standard haircut.  Or do I put one more layer of dye over it to cover that faded black?

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